Missed opportunities as a responsible geologist

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Mike Katz


Reflection upon missed opportunities as a geologist working in many countries revealed the importance of being socially responsible in many cases, especially given that geologists are often the first point of contact with communities in our professional work. Concern for social responsibility should be introduced in undergraduate geological education as an important complement with technical subjects. A review of personal experiences under various conditions working with industry and government on various national and overseas projects shows that this social aptitude would have been of great benefit to positive and sustainable work outcomes had it been applied at the time(s). Based on these experiences, I assert the need to introduce social responsibility content in undergraduate geoscience courses. This training on social responsibility is now especially relevant in the extractives sector notably in the exploration of critical minerals. Mineral exploration often involves important mutually beneficial social engagement with many communities including small scale miners and Indigenous People in developing countries. Undergraduate-level discussions about social responsibility can equip future geologists with essential tools to practice ethically and prevent missed opportunities in their careers.

Article Details

How to Cite
Katz, M. (2025) “Missed opportunities as a responsible geologist”, JOURNAL OF GEOETHICS AND SOCIAL GEOSCIENCES, 1(1), pp. 1–10. doi:10.13127/jgsg-53.
Author Biography

Mike Katz, Mineral Development Consultant, Sydney, Australia

From 1960 – 1967 worked in Canada in mineral exploration and as a geologist for the Canadian and the Quebec Governments. Expert with Canada CIDA in Sri Lanka (1967-70) to assist the first Department of Geology, senior lecturer in Applied Geology 1971 – 1987, with research on granulite facies rocks, and director KCM International 1988 – 2009, UNSW, Sydney Australia in international mining education for AUSAID, UNDP, WB, ADB, TATA Steel on over 70 projects in 25 countries. From 2010 – 2024 a consultant for APEC, IM4DC, the Australia Award Africa program, a reviewer for IUCN UNESCO and presently a technical expert for Aus4ASEAN with a focus on social responsibility and critical minerals.

How to Cite

Katz, M. (2025) “Missed opportunities as a responsible geologist”, JOURNAL OF GEOETHICS AND SOCIAL GEOSCIENCES, 1(1), pp. 1–10. doi:10.13127/jgsg-53.

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